Category: Life

  • The Civil Wars (not the band)—{Central KY. Event Photographer}

    As a break from my regular wedding and engagement work, I got to get shot at for once.  I shot back too though.  How often do you get photograph an actual dog in a “dog fight,” Abe Lincoln, and Frederick Douglas all in the same day?

  • I Love Easter



    Easter is such an amazing holiday.  It seems unacceptable to just refer to it as a holiday, to lump it in with presidents day or any of the other countless holidays that we see come and go with barely an acknowledgment.  Hope this Easter held something special for each of you.  Something filled with love.…

  • Personal Work Share Time {Lexington Ky. Editorial Photographer}

    Ok, so it’s winter,  a notoriously more relaxed time of year for us photographers. However due to the unusual warmth, I’ve been able to fit in some very fun personal projects that help me practice new techniques and keep my sanity. The first of which was to do some head shots of my best friend…

  • The Johns/Combs Clan {Nicholasville, KY. Family Photography}

    The Johns/Combs Clan {Nicholasville, KY. Family Photography}

    My family is crazy, and my family is big.  When they decided to have me shoot portraits of ALL of them, on one day, in one evening, I was a little… worried.  14 people, including 6 kids, with 2 kids under the age of 3.  I love my family, and especially the kids, but it…

  • Ms. Lenora Kelly Olds



    I know this has little to do with photography, weddings, or portraits in general.  In the end however, all of my photography is about people. Every so often I am left in awe of people, and specifically the way God uses people.  This is one of those moments. This afternoon I arrived at the Hilton…