By: admin
Date: Apr 10, 2012
Categories: Life
Comments:  0 Comments

Easter is such an amazing holiday.  It seems unacceptable to just refer to it as a holiday, to lump it in with presidents day or any of the other countless holidays that we see come and go with barely an acknowledgment.  Hope this Easter held something special for each of you.  Something filled with love.  Something filled with hope.  Something filled with joy.  Most of all, I hope your easter held high the one that holds those as just a few of his names. Jesus.  The name above all names.  The King of Kings.  To those that fear death, know that he conquered it.  To those that have never known true life, he offers it freely.  Seek him out.  Place yourself in submission to him, and he will open the heavens to you.  He will open himself to you.  Seek out his will, on earth as it is in heaven.

