By: admin
Date: Mar 07, 2012
Categories: Editorial, Headshots, Life
Comments:  0 Comments

Ok, so it’s winter,  a notoriously more relaxed time of year for us photographers. However due to the unusual warmth, I’ve been able to fit in some very fun personal projects that help me practice new techniques and keep my sanity. The first of which was to do some head shots of my best friend Curt.  He’s a happy fella, and a full time worship and discipleship minister.  I figured he’d be a good place to start, considering I know he’d do anything I asked haha.


Then, as a bit of a change of pace, I thought I’d take some shots of my alter-ego.  To help out some friends in their business, as well as to give myself an opportunity to let my crazy side out, I do some work in churches and schools as the mascot known as Jiggy for Remix Education (  For these shots, one of the other guys hopped in the suit so I could remain behind the camera, then we got some great shots downtown.



On one of the many unusually warm winter days last week, me and a friend J decided to go around downtown and find some interesting willing participants to have their photo taken.  As we roamed over near Victorian Square, I spotted this next fellow.  I saw his incredible beard and knew I had to shoot him.  Larry was his name.  He was a great guy waiting for a store to open and had a great time getting his photo taken.  He later said he was getting quite a chuckle out of telling his friends of his impromptu professional modeling encounter. I hope all of you are having a wonderful winter, and getting out to make your dreams come true, no matter how warm or cold the weather.

God Bless.

